Blueprint for an Integrated IT Architecture
Organizations need to develop digital business capabilities essential for functioning and competing in a digital economy. As identified by Ross et al. (2019), these capabilities encompass 1) People, including roles, accountability, skills, and reporting structures; 2) Processes, comprising workflows, routines, and procedures; and 3) Technology, consisting of infrastructure and applications. These three capabilities " People, Processes, and Technology " are deeply interrelated and function symbiotically within an organization. People, with their skills and roles, are the drivers of Processes, which dictate the flow of operations and routines. Technology, comprising infrastructure and applications, enables both People and Processes to function more efficiently and effectively. The integration of Technology with Processes streamlines workflow efficiency, while People utilize and interact with this technology to enhance productivity and innovation. Together, these capabilities form a cohesive ecosystem that supports the organization's strategic objectives and adaptability in the digital economy. In particular, this technical note discusses the Technology capabilities required to support an organization's business model and facilitate the creation of new value propositions. These capabilities are often organized in various layers , which represents the IT Architecture, which is comprised of the four foundational layers: Interfaces, Applications, Data, and Technology Infrastructure.
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"Blueprint for an Integrated IT Architecture"