Fast Building (A) and (B) - Teaching Note

This is a two-part case study that describes a situation of passive extortion faced by Andrew Smith, the director of the Military Construction division at Fast Building, a small European company operating in the construction sector. Fast Building works in two sectors: the restructuring of ancient buildings and the construction of military installations. It has operated for more than 15 years, having participated in and won international competitions in several countries including Argentina, Brazil, Spain, Portugal, France and Greece. The case describes a situation that took place during the summer of 2015. Given the financial pressure caused by the economic crisis, Smith is asked to increase his portfolio of clients and, of course, the total amount of contracts signed each year.

Collection: IESE (España)
Ref: BET-18-E
Format: PDF
Number of pages: 6
Publication Date: Nov 16, 2015
Language: English

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This is a two-part case study that describes a situation of passive extortion faced by Andrew Smith, the director of the Military Construction division at Fast Building, a small European company operating in the construction sector. Fast Building works in two sectors: the restructuring of ancient buildings and the construction of military installations. It has operated for more than 15 years, having participated in and won international competitions in several countries including Argentina, Brazil, Spain, Portugal, France and Greece. The case describes a situation that took place during the summer of 2015. Given the financial pressure caused by the economic crisis, Smith is asked to increase his portfolio of clients and, of course, the total amount of contracts signed each year.
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"Fast Building (A) and (B) - Teaching Note"