Empowering Customers with Mobile Applications: How To Boost Your Company's Image Using Social Technologies
Increasingly, your customers are turning to their mobile devices to find information about your company's products and services-and they expect you to be there to help them. You have a choice to make: You can align yourself with these customers, empowering them with mobile offers, mobile information, and mobile customer service, or you can let them find whatever happens to come their way via the Internet. Mobile web users-the "mass mavens" who spend their time in content channels-have even more influence than your other connected customers. If you empower these people with information, they'll blog or tweet about how great your company is. If you don't, they'll broadcast the fact that you don't have a clue. In this chapter, authors Josh Bernoff-coauthor of "Groundswell"-and Ted Schadler explain how you can harness the marketing power of your customers. Through real-life examples from E*TRADE, the Philadelphia Eagles, and UPS, you'll learn what the authors call the POST method for building mobile applications: People, Objectives, Strategy, and Technology-and how you can satisfy your customers' need for information and reach out to them through social media. This chapter was originally published as Chapter 5 of Empowered: Unleash Your Employees, Energize Your Customers, and Transform Your Business
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