Five Battles in Life that are Worth Winning
Our life stories are a sequence of victories and defeats in the battles we face. One of the paradoxes of life is that we put more effort into winning the outer battles when the inner ones are the really important ones. Not all of them have the same importance, nor the same repercussions. In this paper, we will explore the five interconnected battles which primarily determine the person we become and the legacy we leave behind. These are: focus of attention, interpretation of what happens to us, the state of mind in which we settle, the standards of demand that we impose on ourselves, and the distribution of the time we spend with its impact on the habits and routines that are created. Winning the five battles is possible and desirable. It allows us to live our noble cause, brings us closer to our personal best and enables us to generate wealth in the form of inner and outer abundance.
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"Five Battles in Life that are Worth Winning"