Fortis Inc. and the $11.8 Billion ITC Decision
In late 2015, the executive vice-president and chief financial officer of Fortis, Inc., a homegrown energy delivery company based in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, was preparing to meet with the company’s leadership committee. On the agenda was whether Fortis should make an offer to acquire ITC Holdings Corporation, the largest independent transmission utility in the United States. Fortis had a proven track record of acquiring regulated utilities, and if the ITC deal went ahead, it would mark Fortis’s most significant acquisition in its history. Should Fortis move ahead with the acquisition, or was taking on ITC too big a risk?
Collection: Ivey Business School (Canada)
Ref: IVEY-9B18M020-E
Format: PDF
Number of pages: 14
Publication Date: Jan 31, 2018
Language: English
Review date: Feb 1, 2018
What material is included in this case:
In late 2015, the executive vice-president and chief financial officer of Fortis, Inc., a homegrown energy delivery company based in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, was preparing to meet with the company’s leadership committee. On the agenda was whether Fortis should make an offer to acquire ITC Holdings Corporation, the largest independent transmission utility in the United States. Fortis had a proven track record of acquiring regulated utilities, and if the ITC deal went ahead, it would mark Fortis’s most significant acquisition in its history. Should Fortis move ahead with the acquisition, or was taking on ITC too big a risk?
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Year: 2015
Geographic Setting: Canada; United States
Industry Setting: Utilities;
Learning Objective
This case is intended for senior-level undergraduate, MBA, or executive education courses in corporate strategy or mergers and acquisitions. After completion of the case, students will be able to: ·determine corporate-level value creation within a multidivisional business structure; ·evaluate a corporate-level acquisition strategy; and ·understand the market dynamics in the regulated energy industry.
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