Max Müller in Betrieb und Beruf (A) (Portuguese Version, Brazil)
Betrieb und Beruf is a publication specialising in jobs, training and human resources. It was founded in 2000 to round out the Sunday offering of German newspaper Die Erde, determined to surpass its two direct competitors. The case describes BundB's turning point in 2003, with more than three years in the red and spiraling out of control. The group's general director, along with the advertising director and editor in chief, decided to turn the strategy and the work system on its head without a clear idea of what the future would bring. The salespeople and editors were up in arms about the change. The overall objective is to help analyze organizational problems from various perspectives: structure, strategy and organizational culture. These three elements are key to understanding the situation of BundB and its managers, and how these three elements relate is likely to emerge in conversation, since they are reflected in the situation faced by Max Müller, a relatively inexperienced manager.
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"Max Müller in Betrieb und Beruf (A) (Portuguese Version, Brazil)"
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