General Electric: Strategic Position--1981 (Spanish version)
Describes the introduction and evolution of General Electric's strategic planning system from the 1960s to Jack Welch's tenure. Allows discussion of the interplay of problems and circumstances to the evolution of the strategic planning system, and how Welch might use or alter the system to meet the challenge of growth. This case is accompanied by a Video Short that can be shown in class or included in a digital coursepack. Instructors should consider the timing of making the video available to students, as it may reveal key case details.
Collection: HBSP (USA)
Ref: HBS-320S05
Format: PDF
Number of pages: 25
Publication Date: Apr 1, 1981
Language: Spanish
Review date: Mar 24, 1993
What material is included in this case:
Describes the introduction and evolution of General Electric's strategic planning system from the 1960s to Jack Welch's tenure. Allows discussion of the interplay of problems and circumstances to the evolution of the strategic planning system, and how Welch might use or alter the system to meet the challenge of growth. This case is accompanied by a Video Short that can be shown in class or included in a digital coursepack. Instructors should consider the timing of making the video available to students, as it may reveal key case details.
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Year: Event Year Start:1972
Geographic Setting: Geographic Setting:Connecticut;United States
Industry Setting: Machinery; Petroleum extraction
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"General Electric: Strategic Position--1981 (Spanish version)"
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