Jeffrey Skilling, Bernie Madoff the Monster & the Other Smartest Guys of the Room (Portuguese Version, Portugal)
The case "Jeffrey Skilling, Bernie Madoff & the Other Smartest Guys in the Room" presents two micro cases that describe some critical situations associated with the bankruptcies of Enron and Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities in 2001 and 2008, respectively. The first micro case focuses on factors affecting the behavior of Arthur Andersen's managers and employees in the Enron scandal, while the second micro case describes variables leading the SEC to fail in identifying the illegal conduct of Bernie Madoff.
What material is included in this case:
The case "Jeffrey Skilling, Bernie Madoff & the Other Smartest Guys in the Room" presents two micro cases that describe some critical situations associated with the bankruptcies of Enron and Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities in 2001 and 2008, respectively. The first micro case focuses on factors affecting the behavior of Arthur Andersen's managers and employees in the Enron scandal, while the second micro case describes variables leading the SEC to fail in identifying the illegal conduct of Bernie Madoff.
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Year: 2001-2008
Geographic Setting: Africa, América del Norte, Canadá, Estados Unidos, Europa
Learning Objective
The document "Jeffrey Skilling, Bernie Madoff & the other smart guys of the room" presents two micro cases that describe some critical situations associated with the bankruptcy of Enron and Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities that happened respectively in 2001 and in 2008.
This document has two main objectives: a) to show the distorting psychological factors that ca
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"Jeffrey Skilling, Bernie Madoff the Monster & the Other Smartest Guys of the Room (Portuguese Version, Portugal)"
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