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Grupo BarcelĆ³ - Cambio generacional y espĆritu emprendedor
Collection: IESE (EspaƱa)Ref.: E-99Published: May 2, 2007Reviewed: Nov 4, 2016Format: PDFPages: 26Language: Spanish - Case
The BarcelĆ³ Group: Entrepreneurial Spirit and Corporate Governance
Collection: IESE (EspaƱa)Ref.: E-206-EPublished: Jul 11, 2019Format: PDFPages: 40Language: English - Technical Note
Negotiating a Venture Capital Deal (I): Preparation and Defining Expectations
Collection: IESE (EspaƱa)Ref.: EN-10-EPublished: Apr 10, 2008Format: PDFPages: 25Language: English - Technical Note
Lograr un puesto como consejero independiente (I): AutodiagnĆ³stico personal y hoja de ruta
Collection: IESE (EspaƱa)Ref.: EN-35Published: Feb 11, 2022Format: PDFPages: 59Language: Spanish - Technical Note
Venture Boards (I): Consejos de administraciĆ³n en empresas emergentes: papel y evoluciĆ³n
Collection: IESE (EspaƱa)Ref.: EN-37Published: Mar 4, 2022Reviewed: Apr 17, 2024Language: Spanish - Case
The BarcelĆ³ Group - Generational Change and Entrepreneurial Spirit
Collection: IESE (EspaƱa)Ref.: E-99-EPublished: May 2, 2007Reviewed: Nov 4, 2016Format: PDFPages: 25Language: English - Technical Note
Consejo de administraciĆ³n en la empresa familiar: mapa de gobierno y "hoja de ruta"
Collection: IESE (EspaƱa)Ref.: EN-14Published: Jul 25, 2008Format: PDFPages: 20Language: Spanish - Technical Note
Governance in the Family Business: Map of Governance and "Roadmap"
Collection: IESE (EspaƱa)Ref.: EN-14-EPublished: Jul 25, 2008Format: PDFPages: 20Language: English - Technical Note
Negociando una operaciĆ³n de capital riesgo (I): PreparaciĆ³n y configuraciĆ³n de expectativas
Collection: IESE (EspaƱa)Ref.: EN-10Published: Sep 19, 2006Reviewed: Oct 28, 2019Format: PDFPages: 23Language: Spanish - Technical Note
Lograr un puesto como consejero independiente (II): AnƔlisis y due diligence previos
Collection: IESE (EspaƱa)Ref.: EN-36Published: Feb 17, 2022Language: Spanish